U.S. Income Tax Resources for Intl Students
Greetings, international students!
I hope many of you had a chance to take part in the Tax Filing Workshop for International Students on March 9. If you missed the presentation, including relevant details on Nonresident Alien Tax information, you can find a recording of the Andrews University workshop online here (see the March 10 entry under Latest Updates, “Tax Filing Workshop: Recorded Zoom Session and Materials”—please be sure to read all three documents at the link).
As you plan for U.S. taxes, please note that the filing deadline has been moved to May 17 this year, due to COVID-19.
If you missed the workshop, I wanted to let you know that the Office of International Student Services & Programs and the Employment office at Andrews University are continuing to work with GLACIER Tax Prep (GTP via Glacier), an online service specializing in tax guidance for visa students and nonresident workers in the United States—and as an Andrews student, you can access the GTP via Glacier resources at no extra charge by using this link.
When you go onto the GTP site, you’ll find out details on upcoming online weekly LIVE Tax Information and GTP Q&A Sessions, as well as have access to tutorial videos on Nonresident Alien Tax information. On the site, you’ll also find “more info” tips on each screen as you work on your taxes, an FAQ to easily find answers to further questions, and a way to message and receive answers on additional questions within an hour by using the specific Help links on the GTP via Glacier site.
Please know that we are committed to making sure you get the help you need in meeting your U.S. tax filing obligations with the resources described in this note. Be sure to let us know if you have additional questions.
Our prayers and best wishes continue to surround you and your families.
Thank you,
Christian Stuart, PhD
Executive Director, PDSO, RO
Center for On-Campus International Student Services
International Student Services & Programs